About Me

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I have had my challenges in life, and what I've come to know is that God never stops giving us opportunities to grow and change. We can ignore these opportunities and look at them as obstacles to be mad about, OR we can look beyond the surface, and ALWAYS find a deeper meaning. I've found what Albert Einstein said was true - you can tell the nature of a person by their answer to one single question - Is this a friendly universe? Henry Ford had it right when he said, Whether you believe you can, or believe you cant, either way you are right. Putting all this into action and practice is our challenge and work, but it is the best work we could sign up for.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Random Acts of Stuff

Walking into the bank today, I noticed one of the trees in the parking lot had been... "Decorated"...
Well you could call it that.
My buddy Jason, the Security Guard, filled me in.
"It's a local guy who does it. He brings random stuff he finds, and he decorates the tree with it. He's got Christmas already all planned out", he told me. "I told him he at least had to wait until Thanksgiving was over", Jason chuckled.
I wondered if the decorations would change much for Christmas, since the Thanksgiving decorations had nothing to do with the holiday.
Speckled with car keys, a sock, and other lost things, for a moment I noted that it doubled as a glorified lost and found!
Regardless of what it represented, it made me smile. Why?
1- Because someone in the community got to do something with their creative energy, and the Bank (Im sure with outrageous rules and regulations to abide by) did NOT turn him away.
2- It was hilarious.
3- I finally got to get moving on what this Blog was created for. Cheering on people in the community who are Amazing, Awesome, or simply just interesting in their own way.
Watch out Jason, I'm on a roll now, you might be next!!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

An Important Reminder

Is anyone else sick of BS in their lives?
This full moon definitely got the better of me, and I pretty much tumbled and fell on various occasions.
I've cried, I've yelled, and felt a heavy sadness.
But wait...
All my energy has been focused on everything wrong, and how much I hate it!
After 3 days of hating the world, I took my Power back.
You can't shove the feelings aside, you have to feel them...
But then, you kick the BS to the side - and put your energy into what you DO WANT.
It works people.
A smile replaced the frown, and I remembered all things are possible. And what a better reminder of what to aim for, then feeling everything that you don't want.
Even for these terrible feelings, we can be grateful. Because if we know enough to just turn around, everything we want is right... there... waiting.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Filling the Gap

Recently, I was presented with a situation that normally I would've felt very upset about. Upset, anxious, uncertain, resentful. A victim of whatever outcome may arise.
I spent a few hours being upset. Feeling helpless as to what would become of things.
Then, in an instant, I perked up.
Now this will sound cheesy to many of you, but to some of you, you'll know.
I perked up because I remembered God. You know that big old guy in the sky who magically controls our lives... No, not that God.
I remembered the God that absolutely, positively, without a doubt has the precise perfect vision of me, created in His likeness. I remembered the God that ALWAYS gives me the right next step to take, for the right next place I need to be. I remembered the God who never for even one second stops seeing me as Empowered, and never ever sees me as a Victim.
I remembered all these things in an instant. And instantly, I smiled. Instantly, I left victim mode and went into Faith mode.
You see, this takes the QUESTION out of what may come. You know you will be given what's best.
On a daily basis, no I don't continually remember this. But with each circumstance that arises, my faith only grows stronger, because our questioning serves as a reminder.
It's bold to say, because so many times we do not like the outcome. Faith is the understanding that in hindsight, you always understand why things happened as they did. It always makes sense later. God fills the gap between now, and then...