About Me

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I have had my challenges in life, and what I've come to know is that God never stops giving us opportunities to grow and change. We can ignore these opportunities and look at them as obstacles to be mad about, OR we can look beyond the surface, and ALWAYS find a deeper meaning. I've found what Albert Einstein said was true - you can tell the nature of a person by their answer to one single question - Is this a friendly universe? Henry Ford had it right when he said, Whether you believe you can, or believe you cant, either way you are right. Putting all this into action and practice is our challenge and work, but it is the best work we could sign up for.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Merry Christmas from Erin

I've been creating my own Christmas greetings as long as I can remember. In high school I used red and green crayon and went to Kinko's to make color copies I could hand out. It then transitioned into creating things on the computer which I emailed out. This year, I'm using my blog.

The medium for creation and distribution has changed. The message has not. Christmastime for me always is a time for heartfelt sentiments, to those I know and those I love.

This year I decided to use my favorite photos I've taken throughout the year... They pretty much speak for themselves.

And there is one more I have to add. The best part of a year ending is reflecting on what has occurred. Some years are certainly better than others. This was a rough one for me. But out of it came something remarkable. This spirited, light-hearted, positive thinking girl learned that it's okay not to be. I learned that being sad or angry or down is not only okay, it's good. I learned I don't need to snap out of it, but if I just let it be, those feelings go away on their own, and I feel better for having felt them. Hence this final photo, about celebrating those other feelings, because it's part of being REAL...

A very Merry Christmas to all. Wishing you the miracle of clear vision, acceptance, and peace... xoxoxoxo