The medium for creation and distribution has changed. The message has not. Christmastime for me always is a time for heartfelt sentiments, to those I know and those I love.
This year I decided to use my favorite photos I've taken throughout the year... They pretty much speak for themselves.
And there is one more I have to add. The best part of a year ending is reflecting on what has occurred. Some years are certainly better than others. This was a rough one for me. But out of it came something remarkable. This spirited, light-hearted, positive thinking girl learned that it's okay not to be. I learned that being sad or angry or down is not only okay, it's good. I learned I don't need to snap out of it, but if I just let it be, those feelings go away on their own, and I feel better for having felt them. Hence this final photo, about celebrating those other feelings, because it's part of being REAL...
A very Merry Christmas to all. Wishing you the miracle of clear vision, acceptance, and peace... xoxoxoxo