About Me

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I have had my challenges in life, and what I've come to know is that God never stops giving us opportunities to grow and change. We can ignore these opportunities and look at them as obstacles to be mad about, OR we can look beyond the surface, and ALWAYS find a deeper meaning. I've found what Albert Einstein said was true - you can tell the nature of a person by their answer to one single question - Is this a friendly universe? Henry Ford had it right when he said, Whether you believe you can, or believe you cant, either way you are right. Putting all this into action and practice is our challenge and work, but it is the best work we could sign up for.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

I birthed this blog to honor people who inspire me. It was the boy who collects carts at the local grocery store who truly inspired this. Mentally challenged in some form, the boy is always singing and smiling, seemingly without a care in the world, and some people may think he's strange, but those of us with that same sparkle in our eye pass by him and smile.

There is only so much time in the day, and it is the cart boy at the grocery store, the cashier at the pharmacy, the crossing guard at the school - these folks who are in our lives for the least amount of time who can actually make such a large impression. It's some of these people who we see exuding light and joy in their own unique way who remind us to do the same.

It's some of these people I hope to acknowledge in this blog, if for no other reason than to create one more optimistic and wholesome page on the internet amongst so many pages of bad and negative news.

Cheers, to the light and joy that is ever present in this world, that sometimes we just need to stop and remember is already there.



1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed by your desire to help people find inspiration in their lives. You will bring much joy to others and in the process experience yourself a multitude of new relationships that will affect the richness of your life as well.


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