About Me

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I have had my challenges in life, and what I've come to know is that God never stops giving us opportunities to grow and change. We can ignore these opportunities and look at them as obstacles to be mad about, OR we can look beyond the surface, and ALWAYS find a deeper meaning. I've found what Albert Einstein said was true - you can tell the nature of a person by their answer to one single question - Is this a friendly universe? Henry Ford had it right when he said, Whether you believe you can, or believe you cant, either way you are right. Putting all this into action and practice is our challenge and work, but it is the best work we could sign up for.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Judging or Caring?

What is the difference between concern and judgement?
I myself have felt strongly judged in the past when others were concerned for my well being.
I've been on the other end, concerned for another's well being, and yet they felt judged.
So what gives? Where does the difference lay? Where is the line and how do we know if we've crossed it?
If we strongly disagree with what someone is doing, isn't it a dishonor not to say anything? We aim to do what is for the Highest Good.
Yet if we say something, and the other person takes offense they may either get defensive or create distance between you. And then where is the progress?
This must be where personalities come into play...
Is this person really being judemental and critical, or is that simply how the other is receiving it, how it feels to them?
At the same time, the one voicing concern - are they thinking only in terms of logic and what is "right" and "should" be happening? These can be merely reflections of the one shouting out the orders.
Being told of a concern can be felt in different ways by different personality types. If we are feeling judged, we have to own a piece of that. That is also partly a reflection of how we feel inside. Many of us have broken pieces inside which are like magnets for feelings of criticism, even when a comment is not intended as such.
I am still learning the grey areas between enabling, tough love, having compassion, speaking up, and knowing when to zip it.
Sometimes too, I forget to remember that no one is "wrong". These reflections of each of us come from an all too real place.


Some of us have heard about the practice of Gratitude. Absolutely important, in the sense its contagious and brings us more to be grateful for.
But what about when we've had one of those days, or weeks, and we hate life; cant think of a thing to be glad about; wish things were different.
My dear meditation teacher (guru as I refer to her), Gloria tells us about re-writing.
Okay so your day sucked. Dont stay stuck in it. Re-write it how it could have gone. Instead of trying to list off what you're grateful for, write the crappy day over, write it how you could've handled it better.
I had one particularly anxious day recently (to which I am prone), and I did exactly what Gloria taught us. Picked up my journal, and re-wrote. It affirms what is possible...

Monday, October 14, 2013

For Now...

Well, this began as a place for me to interview the people I find most interesting, and with something to say we can all benefit from.
Since its been over a year without me having done that (Oh procrastination, you!), in the meantime, I think Ill make use of this sweet little blogspot I've carved out in time, space and the cyber world in other ways.
I occasionally have my own interesting things to say! Perhaps a few others will enjoy them too...:)